Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shading Effect .... CHECKED !! Lighted Head .... CHECKED !!

Ok now it's time for some shading and light effect. Photobucket

This time I attempted to apply some shading effect and put in a led unit into the head so the eye and forehead of the kit can light up.

And here are a few WIP pics that I managed to take at the time I built it. Why only a few ? Cause I'm one of those lazy bum bastards at doing WIP. Photobucket

MG Aile Strike 1/100 kit was used as the object. Only custom color scheme with some shading and a minor modification to put led to the head plus some assorted water decals from Bandai. I enter this kit to a gunpla competition several years ago at Pasar Raya Grande and won 2nd Place.

Not bad for first timer contestant in a gunpla competition huh. Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. wwwoooo nice effect dude..
    i like it...

    check this out!!
